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Beat Your Age with Stop and Pose

Tens of millions of people around the world are affected by cellulite and the quest to find the best solution for reducing cellulite, the dimpled, fatty deposits below the surface of the skin is ever growing.

The latest in the body contouring techniques and the emergence of Hypoxi

By Greyson Hamilton at 2012-01-26 23:34:37

Diet and exercise are probably the best ways of achieving a toned and sculpted body however there are various new techniques and procedures that can fast-track that goal.

By the time we reach puberty, our bodies stops making new fat cells. After this time, an increase in weight means fat cells increase in their size, whereas weight loss causes these cells to shrink. The out of proportion areas within our bodies are those where there are a greater number of fat cells compared to other areas. Because of this process, these areas continue to be out of proportion despite our best efforts.

Reducing the quantity of fat cells brings these areas back into proportion. The removed cells do not grow back, so the shape change is largely permanent and any weight gain later in life can be more evenly spread. There are many method, products and techniques for body contouring and one of them is through targeting the fat and removing them surgically throughLipossculptureor chemically through Lipodissolve injections.

Mesotherapy, Radio Frequency, Injections, Liposonix, Ultrasound and Laser are some of the most commonly used treatments for sliming, toning and body contouring. All of the above come with their own repertoire of risks associated with them along with varying degree of downtime associated with each treatment.

One of the emerging trends that specifically targets cellulite and at the same time provide excellent and pleasant work out is Hypoxi. Since its launch in the European market, this trend has garnered significant media attention. The machines used in Hypoxi are specifically designed to increase blood circulation through the use of vacuum technology. The central component of the machine is an ergometer encased within a vacuum chamber and a sophisticated computer system to regulate the vacuum function.The machine is programmed by an operator so that the vacuum is set to a rhythm which best suits each individual.While cycling, the pressurised chamber stimulates blood supply to the fat tissue around the stomach, hips, thighs and bottom. The vacuum accelerates the transport of blood while these muscles are being exercised.

Whilst the jury is still out in the overall effectiveness of Hypoxi owing to the questions on the longevity of any results obtained, the best combination that appears to work for majority of the individuals looking at reducing cellulite, and body contouring is a combination of patience, discipline and a treatment option. The treatment option can accelerate the process of getting rid of accumulated cellulite and fat, or most of it in the beginning and then supported by a strict regimen of diet and exercise options.

A number of new cellulite creams and slimming gels have also entered the market in recent years. This industry which largely feeds on mostly outrageous claims on the effectiveness of such lotions and potions in combating fat and cellulite is yet to bring a ‘miracle’ product that could provide a viable solution for those looking for an easier option.

Until then, one of the best options for sustainable results in reducing cellulite and for body contouring happen to be the simplest one: drinking lots of water, regular exercise, quitting smoking, less sugar and salt intake and a diet that is high in fibre and protein.

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